The exodus

This Grand Rapids Herald-Review story relays data that has been in several newspaper stories this week. Census data is showing something that most northern Minnesotan have observed for themselves. People are moving from the towns to the country. This is changing the culture of the region a little more each year: more of a focus on individuals and families, less of a focus on community institutions and culture. We’ve noticed this in our lives since we moved to the country. The effects will be significant over time.


  1. Numbers of people, not specific people…. The use of the word “people” is a bit misleading.

  2. A valid point … We don’t know who is populating the rural townships. (Obviously my family are among those who moved from city proper to the country, and I know others, but have no data on that). Indeed, your middle class family moving to the Iron Range to take a job is most likely considering the country as much as the nicer neighborhoods in town.

  3. I couldn’t agree more Aaron. I was WAY more involved with the community when I lived right in one. Now that I’m in the boonies, I’m honestly way more selfish with my time. I did make it in for the HCC Theatre Fundraiser though and thought it was totally worth the time and money 🙂

  4. When you get me that good job up on da Range, Aaron, I will be moving back to live on a decent peice of property, not crammed in a small lot in a small town.

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