The week surrounding the Fourth of July on the Mesabi Iron Range combines patriotism, public drinking, explosives and a lovely shade of twilight. PHOTO: Aaron J. Brown
For many years, MinnesotaBrown.com shared a schedule of Iron Range Fourth of July parades, street dances and fireworks displays. In 2023, I decided to take a break from this longstanding tradition. I still encourage you to partake in some of the best Independence Day festivities in the nation.
Regardless of economic or political winds, the region unites for an exuberant observation of Independence Day. In local custom, the festivities often last several days (up to a month during layoffs).
You might also enjoy my popular essay “Things You Will See at Your First Iron Range Fourth of July.”
Iron Range Fourth of July
Celebrate the 4th of July in Northern Minnesota

Graphic image by Aaron J. Brown based on the iconic Benjamin Franklin political cartoon.
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A Steelworkers Fourth of July float in an Iron Range parade. PHOTO: United Steelworkers, Flickr CC
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Aaron J. Brown is an instructor at Minnesota North College. His blog MinnesotaBrown.com covers Iron Range news, politics and culture. Brown writes regular columns for the Mesabi Daily Tribune and Minnesota Reformer. He created, hosted and produced the Great Northern Radio Show and co-hosts and produces the podcasts Power in the Wilderness and Dig Deep on Northern Community Radio. His book “Overburden: Modern Life on the Iron Range” won a Northeastern Minnesota Book Award. He’s working on a new book called “Power in the Wilderness” for the University of Minnesota Press.