Better living through sawhorses

In the hurly-burly churn of Iron Range news and controversies, it can be hard to find the steady constant of a noble cause.

How about sawhorses?

Everyone needs a sawhorse, eventually. Those sawhorses should be better. Lighter. More easy to store. And if an entrepreneurial couple from St. Paul with a tie to the Iron Range so happens to invent that sawhorse and start a Kickstarter to put it into production, well, heck — let’s get it going.

The Minnesota inventors of Tri-Horse, a homegrown sawhorse concept, now seek funds on Kickstarter.

The Minnesota inventors of Tri-Horse, a homegrown sawhorse concept, now seek funds on Kickstarter.

Meet the Tri-Horse.

Marje Nitz is the marketing and web side of the partnership with carpenter Brian Campbell, inventor of this unique sawhorse. Marge grew up North of Nashwauk (and, full disclosure, went to school with my wife).

The Tri-Horse can be configured a number of different ways and stored flat in small spaces. You’ll be able to buy the actual product, or the design to build your own. It’s actually a pretty ingenious idea, something I thought we could celebrate and support, for the sawhorse-minded among us.


  1. Thanks so much for helping us to spread the word, Aaron!

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