Pray for my phone, as it hovers near death

So I’m wading through the water of our undeveloped lakeshore removing weeds with my awesome new AWE (Aquatic Weed Extractor) this afternoon and realize that I had left my cell phone in my (now underwater) shorts pockets.

The phone is drying on the kitchen counter. I heard somewhere if you dry these things out completely sometimes the circuits still work. I don’t know where I heard that, but faith is easy when you’re desperate. Pray for the phone, people.

Once again, the life of a rural Minnesota lake dweller collides with the electronic devices of a modern technocrat.

PS: Don’t call the cell.


  1. Ya know, Aaron, I dun heard ’bout dis guy who cut his ear off wit’ his cell phone. It was a Razr. 🙂

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