Another world on the other side of the Internet

Some of you know that I am not only a blogger, but part of a blogging household. My wife Christina is the Northern Cheapskate, dispensing information on coupons, deals and living a frugal lifestyle.

Anyway, those of you who read political blogs might not often surf over on the frugal living, deal sharing, parenting and family corner of the blogosphere, but let me tell you it is WILD over there. They have a deep subculture and social structure that puts the untamed insanity of our political blogs to shame. One small problem: they do lots of these “tag” things, where they randomly call upon other bloggers to respond to personal questions so that we learn more about them. Well, thanks to Christina in a round-about way, I’ve been “tagged.” So I’m going to respond, but I’m not going to tag anyone because that’s not how we roll over here on our political blogs. Tag yourself in the comments if you want. I just wanted to point out another potential use for the Internet besides commenting on YouTube versions of political ads.

OK, so here goes. I’ve been tagged by Penny and I’m supposed to list six unspectacular quirks about myself.

  1. I can’t perform basic tasks involving hand/eye coordination while talking.
  2. When I mow the lawn I like to pretend I’m shaving a giant green face.
  3. Rare steak, cheese, beer, repeat
  4. I didn’t use the Internet or have my own e-mail until college (Fall 1998); now I have a blog.
  5. In 3rd grade, I bet a kid $1 million that I would own an amusement park way bigger than Disney World by the time I was 30. God, I hope he forgot about that.
  6. Most Iron Rangers own 6 pairs of jeans and one pair of khakis. I am the exact opposite.

UPDATE: I had done one of these things several months ago. I forgot.


  1. 6 UNSPECTACULAR things?

    1) My favorite food is “meat”
    2) My second favorite food is “cake” (ANY cake)
    3) I live in the woods but barely go outside
    4) My television gets 2 channels, but I only watch one of them
    5) The refrigerator is so full you can barely see the light when it goes on

    UNspectacular, yes, but still weird, eh?

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