Overheard in the halls

Two traditional aged female students overheard talking as they passed my office door at the community college where I work:

ONE: I don’t care what he says. I’ll take f***ing Communism over $50,000 in debt for college.

TWO: Uh-huh.

Don’t forget, the people are angry. This is a volatile electorate. They will go with the candidates who seem to offer A) understanding, and B) functional change. They won’t actually go communist. I think she was being facetious. Do not be discouraged or fooled by polls or pundits. Put on “The Times They Are a’ Changin'” and ask yourself what you can do to “start swimmin’.”


  1. Only $50K in debt??!?

    She must be rich…..

  2. Nah, she’s smart, she’s planning on spending her first two years at a Community College. Taking Personal and Professional Communications from Instructor Brown is a lot less expensive (but gives the same or better results) than taking it from Prof. Tweedjacket.

  3. Yeah, but will those younger voters follow up on their hyperbole and VOTE?

  4. Well, I’m a college student and I’ve said similar things many times before.

    But without Gus Hall, I’m not sure who I’d vote for…

  5. Kudos for the Hall reference, lunker. You know, I’m from Gus Hall territory in Cherry, right?

    I think these women will vote. I think a lot of people will vote but it will still be close. Lots of work to do.

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