Sportsmen for the Issues That Matter

The more things change the more they stay the same. As with the past several elections, the GOP has determined that its best move is to use “Sportsmen” as their primary outreach group on the Iron Range. (The surprisingly balanced story is in Sunday’s Mesabi Daily News).

I get the political strategy. Fleck off working class men who might be in unions or in lower income brackets who might otherwise vote Democrat by telling them that the Democrats want to take their guns and end the outdoor activities that comprise their favorite recreations. The orange “Sportsmen for McCain” signs are on the way. These tactics are used because, on a limited scale, they work.

What bugs me about the whole idea is that it sends the message that the most important issue is recreation. Not schools, not jobs, not health care, not even war, but “sportsmen” issues. (Sportswomen, well, they’re OK, too, I guess, just not worthy of their own sign campaign). Gun ownership is ostensibly a more important issue, but that’s masked over here by the emphasis on “sports.”

There is no way that any law is going to be passed at any level that poses any serious threat to the practices of hunting and fishing. The Supreme Court has now established the right of individuals to own firearms, a decision embraced by John McCain and Barack Obama, and there is no way the Second Amendment will ever be repealed. Know your distracting wedge issues and get ahead of them. Granted, some in the Democratic party are more opposed to guns than me or most Iron Rangers, but they usually represent districts where there is no hunting, just gun murders. We must understand and reconcile the different cultural approaches to gun ownership that exist across the country. There is room for both, along with hunting, sports shooting, gun collecting and multiple interpretations of the term “well regulated militia.”

(To prove the point, here is the column I wrote two years ago that says the same damn thing about these “sportsmen” signs).


  1. I just wish Democrats would get over gun control. I get the strange feeling they will do something asinine like a new version of the 1994 “assault weapons” ban if Obama wins. If that were to happen we can look forward a Republican shift nationwide.

    We cannot afford that (literally). Democrats just need to suck it up and entirely shelve control and focus on more important issues. A good move for Obama would be to say he will veto any restrictive gun laws that are sent to him.

    Bottom line: It’s shouldn’t be a hinge issue when picking who to vote for in a presidential election. It is for many people though, and the Democrats should know better and not throw gas on the fire. If you can’t beat em’ join em’.

    -A freedom loving, gun law hating, economic liberal-

  2. I agree with “slikweasel”, the democrats need to get over gun control. They need to realize that gun control does not work to stop crime.

    If the democrats want me to support them on any other issue they need to give up their gun control ideas.


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