7B DFL PRIMARY FOCUS: Daniel Maryland

MinnesotaBrown is running a series of posts this week featuring the DFL candidates for Duluth’s House District 7B in their own words. The winner of the Sept. 9 DFL primary will face Republican Allan Kehr and Independence Party candidate Jay Cole, who do not face primary opposition.

Yesterday, we featured Brandon Clokey. Today, with no response from John Derbis, we continue in alphabetical order with Dr. Daniel Maryland. Roger Reinert and Marsh Stenersen will follow Thursday and Friday respectively.

Dr. Daniel Maryland

Maryland provided a link to his recent candidate survey in the Duluth Budgeteer News, a resume indicating a long career as an ophthalmologist in Duluth and the following statement:

Our country and culture have many social problems. However, keeping Medicare viable and effective is our largest long term public challenge today.
In Minnesota, Medicare, Minnesota Medical Assistance and Minnesota Care furnish health care to a large portion of our population. Along with these health plans and employer furnished health plans, there is still a large number of our citizens without health insurance. For the uninsured, I would propose a base health insurance plan where the premium would not exceed 6 percent of their gross income. We should also explore the Massachusetts Health Plan which has been in effect for three years and includes all citizens of the State.

I have had the privilege to practice medicine for 50 years in Minnesota and in the 7B District of Duluth. With this experience I see this public issue from both sides. I believe I have ideas to deliver health care with more efficiency and reduced costs.

A livable wage issue is complex because of fluctuating economic times. This issue is a symptom of our local larger problem. District 7B has large segments of land not being effectively used. We need new and vibrant industry to move into our area. Government incentives like inexpensive land and less tax for a period of time will help create a favorable environment.

I am not in favor of our city government to offer loans or bonding which can default. Note the past failed city projects.

With vibrant industry and manufacturing, more citizens are employed which increases revenues and high paid wages, which improves our total economy. Therefore, the solution to our wage problem is more industry/manufacturing and employment.

Government is more expensive because the citizens seek more social aid. This problem is solved by more state and local revenue which is generated by new and more employment via manufacturing and industry.

Racial and ethnic inequities have been present in human cultures since the dawn of history. Every civilization has had this terrible track record which eventually destroys the culture. We as Americans must not fall into this trap. Education of our citizens with tolerance is essential. We must judge our fellow Man by their behavior and character, not by their ethnic background or skin color.

Also, our public and private education institutions must teach Industrial and Domestic Arts so our children will be capable of using their hands for creativity. A person is only half educated if they do not know how to use their hands to produce employable value.

This is my philosophy and goal if elected to the House of Representatives.

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