Movie voiceover guy was from Duluth

You may have seen on the cable or broadcast news that Don LaFontaine, the “King of Voiceovers,” passed away Monday at age 68. This is the guy who, famous in many works of satire, starts movie trailer voiceovers with the phrase “In a world …”

For instance:

“In a world, where terror is the law and justice is a game, one man …”


“In a world, where one man lives a life of luxury, everything is fine until (robots, arrival of a puppy or baby, or a complex relationship with an alarmingly attractive woman that faces great challenges resolvable in 98 minutes or less.)”

What I didn’t know is that LaFontaine was from Duluth. Life is full of surprises. I’ll miss LaFontaine’s work every time I go to the theater.


  1. “In a world without Don LaFontaine, movie trailers slip by, unnoticed by millions of people.”

    To hell with the THX sound effect, his intros are what really showed off those kick butt theater sound systems.

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