Tracking the results (Thanks, MPR!)

A hearty thank you to Minnesota Public Radio for providing free customizable election results widgets for blogs. As you can see on the right hand menu bar I will have the Secretary of State results for Minnesota President, U.S. Senate, and the Iron Range and Duluth Legislative races. I have also included 4A, 4B and 12A for my Brainerd, Bemidji and Walker area readers. I don’t want to offer many more than that because this thing really slows down the load time. It’s worth the wait time because this saves me a ton of work in reporting results. This lets me focus on my “key precincts” and selfishly indulge my curiosity in the national political map.

Remember to hit refresh to see the results as they are updated. I’ll also be bumping up my “Iron Range votes” post when I update my observations of the seven indicator precincts.

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