Jeez, I guess history will vindicate just about anyone these days

Bless their hearts. The Mesabi Daily News ran an editorial today in the heart of Northern Minnesota’s blue collar Iron Range pumping up the legacy of George W. Bush. Sometimes I wonder if the MDN‘s editorial positions are, in fact, some kind of elaborate sociological experiment of which I am an unknowing participant. Well, anyway, if you’re feeling masochistic this morning, try this.

If you’re wondering, the number of terrorist attacks that have occurred on U.S. soil since I started this blog: 0

History will vindicate me.


  1. I think I just puked in my mouth a little bit…

  2. Cue Lisa Simpson: “that’s specious reasoning Mr. President”.

    Prez W.: “Well thank you there little lady!”

  3. They refer to Obama as a “person of color”? What decade are they living in?

  4. BDS is a terrible affliction. Get over your hate, anger, bitterness, and pain before it destroys you.

    Only an idiot would base their politics from a cartoon.

    In your heart you know I am right.

  5. What pain, K-Rod? Are you really cruising around liberal blogs today looking for a fight? What pleasure does that bring you, sir?

  6. Just because the truth might hurt does not equate to “looking for a fight”.
    Project much?

    Brown, did you read what you wrote?
    “…elaborate sociological experiment… …feeling masochistic…”

    For cripes sake, Brown, anyone that can’t give Bush any credit for anything certainly has a bad case of BDS. Wake up and get over all that hatred.

    My Karma just ran over your Dogma

    And remember…
    Obama’s gonna change the world!!!

  7. K-Rod,
    I feel fine. I think we speak on different wave lengths. The items you point out were examples of me being sarcastic because the editorial (to me, and the commenter who used the Simpsons quote) represented a logical fallacy. That the reason we had no domestic terror hits was because of something extraordinary that Bush did. We had thousands of terrorist attacks … on our troops in Iraq which is where Al Qaida wasn’t until we went there. That’s the point. Gets me mad. Mad enough not to mention that Bush was better for Africa than anyone could have predicted, was more right than wrong on his immigration reform and seems like a pretty good guy to drink a beer with. I could go through aspects of agricultural policy if you think that would help, but my point stands. Retroactive legacy building can only be done by historians and future leaders upon review of the long term results. Presidential legacy building starts with an inauguration, not a exit.

  8. You must let go of all that anger, young man, it is not healthy.

    Also, don’t forget Congress authorized it and appropriated the money for it.

    Bush doesn’t drink beer, Brown, I’m surprised you didn’t know that.

  9. sigh.

    I’m not going to do the dueling talking points today. I know Bush doesn’t drink beer but the big discussion in 2000/2004 was the polling showing that more Americans wanted to “have a beer” with Bush than Gore/Kerry. Are you ironically impaired or messing with me? Sheesh.

  10. Do you think it was wrong for Congress to demand, and Clinton signed, for regime change in Iraq?

  11. Regime change good.

    Judicious use of force fine.

    Poorly planned war built on false pretenses bad.

    Surge fine, but doesn’t explain away the poorly planned war or the claim that regime change in Iraq will lead to a chain reaction of peace in the mideast. It’s much more complicated than that.

  12. Freedom, Liberty, and Democracy in Iraq is great! Not only have we won the war, we have also won the peace.

    Do not underestimate the power of Freedom to bring change to the region.

    Plan and plan and plan… poorly or a great plan… Once it starts all plans change.
    Plan as much as you want, Brown, but It’s much more complicated than that.

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