
If Al Franken has accomplished nothing else, he has done one glorious favor for America. He opened the door, just a crack mind you, for Tim McGraw to become the next governor of Tennessee.

This on the heels of Val Kilmer’s exploration of a gubernatorial run in New Mexico.

Celebrities! Report to your home states in time for 2010! Your assignments will be waiting in the car(s) at the airport(s). But by God, get out of California. There’s no work for you there! This will be like a reverse Dust Bowl for attractive people.


  1. I think I’m going to be sick. The whole key to public service is selflessness. Celebrities don’t know the definition of the word.

  2. Ronald Wilson Reagan.

    Maybe you were too young to remember.

    How about Fred Thompson, Brown?

    Now stop fawning over Franken. Sheesh.

  3. Fawning? Really?

    I was being sarcastic. Why do I have explain that to you every time I used sarcasm in a post?

    Reagan, Thompson … you’ve got Bunning, what’s his face Largent who used to play for the Seahawks. I get that Republicans have celebrities too. Barry Goldwater was a vaudeville star, for instance.


  4. Fawning? Nah, I was just playin wit cha… kinda…

    Don’t forget J.C Watts; I have a lot of respect for him.

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