New wind project would create more Iron Range turbines

The Mesabi Daily News is reporting about a project that would add more wind turbines to the Iron Range landscape in Northern Minnesota. The Mountain Iron Economic Development Authority is behind the concept, which would build a series of turbines between Aurora and Giant’s Ridge and sell the power wholesale to local power companies. The profits, should there be any, would generate revenue for economic development projects in Mountain Iron.

While I doubt that a project like this would be an enormous profit generator, I think it’s smart to pursue additional wind generation on the Iron Range where unused mine dumps and high elevation provide above-average potential for wind turbines. The project will require some legislation to clear up land use issues and some financing from Iron Range Resources. The $25 million price tag is steep for a town like Mountain Iron. Stay tuned.


  1. Wind turbines for grid power are a hoax. They are as economically viable as “clean coal.” The only reason that we have either is tax incentives and feel good legislation.

  2. You know, I’m left wondering who the customer (other than “power companies”) will end up being, too. I’m not ready to call big turbines a hoax because the carbon reduction requirement will provide some kind of demand for wind power. I know we’ve talked about wind’s problems as a non-baseload source. This project has a few questions to answer before we even get to that point. I think there is a bit of opportunism here. I guess we’ll see if their boat floats.

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