This is 100 percent factual

Got an unpopular or atypical worldview you’d like to advance without actual evidence? Try this. Say something crazy. Then say: “This is 100 percent factual.”

Watch how it works.

“Our drinking water is full of nanobots that make men impotent. This is 100 percent factual.”


“American women have been subjected to mind control by liberal terrorists and that’s why I am still single. This is 100 percent factual.”

It works for anything!

“I was home late because my non-mistress was in need of some platonic assistance. This is 100 percent factual.”

This recent letter in the Mesabi Daily News has the right idea. Freedom is dead. Prepare to be sent to camps. I’ll say this. Right wingers do their best work while in the minority. This is like early Elvis Costello. Hot and edgy!


  1. Anonymous says

    Tell me the guy who wrote that was kidding. No one can be that paranoid and still have the ability to form sentances. If I lived in Britt, I’d be embarrassed.

  2. Right wingers promote home schooling because then they don’t have to expose their children to other ways of seeing and thinking and they don’t have to teach logical thinking. This is 100% factual and true, my hand is on the bible. Snort.

  3. Michele Bachmann would be so proud. All the hullabaloo over reserve currency, it started with her… and now some guy in Britt is mixing her breathtaking stupidity with his own paranoia. Good entertainment!

    “If you have ever seen strange vehicles with foreign license plates and the people you encounter say they are camping it is a lie. I saw this back in 1999, and now with cameras installed in the Boundary Waters, I’m warning you this is not good.” (Wow. Self-important AND loony!)

    Oh, the irony! It hurts!

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