The end is near and the prices are unbelievable

In addition to being the most prolific voice on Minnesota news Twitter, @NewsCut (MPR’s Bob Collins) has broken open the story I only dreamed of exposing. He found shaky YouTube footage of the LTD Jewelry ad from Superior, Wis., featuring the “Second Coming Sale” that I wrote about a couple days ago. He also talked to the guy, the guy from the ad, who is ALL IN on this deal. Read the story and check out the ad for yourself.


  1. “Nonetheless”? Huh? Is a sale on diamonds supposed to be like that awful “Christmas Shoes” song? So confused.

  2. Shoot. I didn’t know you’d written about this guy (I check your stuff on my Google Reader but must’ve missed this). I most certainly would’ve linked to it. I guess I still can. So I will.

  3. Thanks, Bob! I wasn’t link baiting but I’ll take what I get. 🙂

    How did you find out about this? I guess I should have just searched YouTube. I was trying to figure out how to splice wires in my DVR and just gave up.

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