The outside is filthy

Our oldest boy, a first grade lad prone to particularity, spent several minutes wiping mud off his gloves and coat this morning. “Why does the outside have to be so dirty? The outside is filthy.”

And indeed it is. Here in Minnesota, a land sometimes known only for snow, we continue one of the mildest, least snowy winters on record. We’re still below the record low snowfall in northern Minnesota, though one good storm would end that. But the sustained high temperatures we’ve seen haven’t been replicated since records set in the 1800s.

This will be one of those “remember when” winters. It’s been a perpetual, enduring March. And we haven’t even gotten to March yet. The outside really is filthy. And dry. And it will be a long time before it’s worth washing the car, so don’t. We live in filth now. It shall be this way for some time.

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