Stuck, but operational

We have a winter storm warning here in Itasca and north central St. Louis counties. Most Range schools are cancelled. The community college didn’t cancel, but I can’t get out of my driveway so let’s call that an intervention by a higher authority.

It’s a great day for a drill on how well this blog would survive a coup or alien attack.

Result: Oh, pretty good, so long as the satellite internet keeps working!

If that had gone out I’d be figuring out how to become a pamphleteer. I’ll have to check the rummage sales for a printing press. So what we learned is that Plan A is blog, Plan B is pamphleteer. These plans are structurally similar, so I feel that I am almost ready for the Hunger Games prequel coup. But is anyone really ready for the Hunger Games prequel coup?

I’d have shared a picture of the view out my home office window, but it is a wall of white, icy snow pasted to the glass. It looks like the sort of marbled paper you use on resumes. There’s your picture.

There were lots of power outages overnight and many stories of flashes of light, exploding transformers, lightning and impassable roads on my Facebook feed today. Mark your calendar. I learned about the boys school cancellation and the road conditions more quickly and completely from my phone and social media than I did from the radio or TV today, all this while living 27 miles out into the woods. This was a first.


  1. People still print resumes? 😀

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