Cravaack plans "major announcement" 5:30 p.m. Saturday

UPDATE: The announcement relates to Coast Guard jurisdiction on Mille Lacs. Team Cravaack has used their one “major announcement” fake-out for the year. Hope it was worth it.

This looks interesting:

Cravaack to Make Major Announcement

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Representative Chip Cravaack (MN) will make a major announcement tomorrow, Saturday May 12th.

WHO:  U.S. Representative Chip Cravaack, serving Minnesota’s Eighth Congressional District

WHAT:  Press conference

WHERE:  Mille Lacs Lake | Nitti’s Hunters Point Resort | 5436 479th Street, Isle, Minnesota

WHEN:  Saturday, May 12, 2012 | 5:30 p.m.

WHY:  Major announcement


  1. That he’s going to run in New Hampshire, his family’s legal domicile? Or that he, too, wants to be a Swiss citizen? Oooooh, the Suspense!

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