Others to aid Range violence victims amid funding cuts

In the wake of news that Range Women’s Advocates is facing serious funding cuts, other groups are stepping up to ensure that families in crisis can still receive the help they need. If you know someone affected by this story, please pass along this information:

Advocates for Family Peace (AFFP) has been serving families experiencing domestic violence for over 30 years in Itasca County, MN. AFFP is working to extend its services to families experiencing domestic violence in northern St. Louis County. AFFP is in communication with the Range Women’s Advocates board of directors. It is the goal of AFFP to have no disruption of services to victims of domestic violence and their children in northern St. Louis County. In addition, it is also the goal of AFFP to continue the Range Intervention Program (R.I.P.) batterers intervention groups and the group for women who have been arrested. During this period of transition, victims of domestic violence can continue to call the Range Women’s Advocates office at 218-749-5054 or 800-343-5054 and can now also call Advocates for Family Peace office at 218-326-0388 or 800-909-8336.

AFFP is a six-program agency that serves victims of domestic violence and their children through advocacy, housing, batterers intervention program for men and fathers, groups for women who have been arrested, supervised visitation and exchange, and parent education. AFFP has been recognized nationally and internationally for its curriculum Addressing Fatherhood with Men Who Batter and for its leadership of the Itasca County coordinated community response (CCR) to end domestic violence in partnership with criminal justice and community-based agencies.

The leadership, staff, and board of directors of AFFP have a long history of successful programming and non-profit financial management. AFFP will be seeking grant funds, donations, and contributions to support advocacy and intervention services in northern St. Louis County.


  1. Thank you for letting us know. I made a donation to them on Give To the Max Day.

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