So ends the cartoon series: ‘Happy Spring!’

"The Last Cartoon of 2014" is the conclusion of the winter/spring sanity project of Minnesota author Aaron J. Brown. With snow mostly gone and ice lifting from lakes (albeit slowly), we have survived the worst of a northern Minnesota spring.

“The Last Cartoon of 2014” is the conclusion of the winter/spring sanity project of Minnesota author Aaron J. Brown. With snow mostly gone and ice lifting from lakes (albeit slowly), we have survived the worst of a northern Minnesota spring.

A week that saw me do one of the most legitimate things in my blogging career (signing on with the Star Tribune), also sees me end one of the most illegitimate: my stint as a cartoonist.

For the last several weeks I’ve written, drawn and designed an original cartoon about modern life in northern Minnesota every Friday. This exercise gave us all something to focus on besides the weather. And though some were certainly better than others, I still enjoyed making all of them. As you can see from this final collage, my technique involves drawing characters separately and moving them around worlds of brightly-colored copy paper and index cards.

Will I do this again in 2015? That depends on you, my friends. And the weather. Especially the weather.

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