See 13 hours of meat cooking on Duluth TV

Arby's Smokehouse Brisket

Arby’s Smokehouse Brisket

Bob Collins with MPR’s News Cut blog found this gem of a story. Arby’s has been having some commercial success with its smokehouse brisket. That’s not normally news in my world, though I do enjoy slow cooked meat. To advertise their hit sandwich, and prove to the naysayers that their brisket really is smoked over 13 hours, Arby’s bought 13 hours of airtime in Duluth, Minnesota to show one of their briskets being made. The company’s CEO then assembles the sandwich in the last act.

Where do you find out about this? The New York freaking Times.

The ad will begin airing at 1 p.m. CST today on My9, one of Northland NewsCenter’s various digital broadcast channels, and run until 2 a.m. CST, when we get the payoff with the big sandwich.

After airing on TV in Duluth, Arby’s will stream the 13-hour ad online just one time, Wednesday, May 28 at 9 a.m. EST, 8 central.

I could tell you more about why Arby’s is doing this, but “what this is” is far more interesting than “why this is.”

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