Feelin’ the flow of ‘hair’-brained MN tradition

Screenshot from 2016 Minnesota State High School All Hockey Hair Team video.

Screenshot from 2016 Minnesota State High School All Hockey Hair Team video.

Ice hockey demonstrates the unexpected combination of beauty, speed and finesse with sharp blades, hard sticks and unrelenting violence. The sport has been extremely popular in Minnesota since its widespread adoption in Canada and the United States.

And why not? Minnesotans have access to endless amounts of ice and don’t like to talk about our feelings. Hockey takes care of that for us. Back before safety equipment, anyone could afford to play. (Gosh darn safety equipment!) But even today, when having your kid join hockey changes your life as much as having the kid in the first place, hockey remains the state sport.

Another Minnesota hockey tradition has been growing in significance for several years, even finding its way onto an ESPN special later this spring. That would be hockey hair.

Hairstyles come and go, but this is something different. Hockey hair includes any hair grown to fit the contours of a hockey helmet and cover the back of an exposed neck

We could call them mullets, but there are so many colors in the spectrum of mullet for that one word to suffice. Every year the team at the website Game On! Minnesota screens hours of state high school hockey tournament footage looking for the best of our state’s unique hockey hair. Most of the humor comes from the wry announcer, whose identity has never been made public. But, oh, the hair — literally hundreds of young athletes across the state seem to actively seek a spot on this video each year.

Just one look and you’ll see that there are some alpha males out there spending no small amount of time prepping their hair to perform at a high level. In fact, entire teams seem to be forging game plans for their hair every bit as detailed as their actual game plans.

Ladies and gentlemen, Game On! Minnesota presents the 2016 Minnesota State High School All Hockey Hair Team

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