New Hampshire speaks tomorrow

The New Hampshire primary is Tuesday. There is a good chance that my “endorsed” candidates, Barack Obama for the Democrats and John McCain for the Republicans, will win on both sides of the aisle.

The biggest story of this election so far has been Obama. I feel like his candidacy could be remembered as a turning point in American political tradition. The question is whether he will continue to defy the trends that would normally drag down an idealistic candidate against the superior organization of the establishment candidate. (I’ve been burned on this twice with Bill Bradley and Howard Dean). Obama beat the index in Iowa and could do so again Tuesday in New Hampshire. I could also see him winning South Carolina. But there is little precedent for a national primary like what we’ll see on Feb. 5. Will he be able to outgun Clinton in places like California where hundreds of delegates will be assigned? I think so, but so much remains unknown. Enjoy the ride, political junkies.

Meantime, learn more about Barack Obama. There’s some substance to go with the mystique. And even though his recent anti-terrorism ads give me the creeps, I’m still asking my Republican friends to give John McCain a good look.


  1. Obama needs to be a little more warm and friendly to win. He struck me as cold and uninviting during the New Hampshire debates.

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