Controversial one-eared bear dies

Folks may remember the Christmas-time controversy of Solo the one-eared bear and her cubs who hibernated under a cabin near Tower. The DNR initially expressed an intent to kill the bears before a public outcry demanded her rescue. Gov. Tim Pawlenty pardoned the bears and the DNR instead sent them to a bear farm in northern Michigan.

Well, Solo didn’t wake up from hibernation. Her cubs are OK but Solo passed away in her sleep. Experts say that her heart rate probably slowed down too much during sleep, which I think is true of any living creature who dies in its sleep.
In honor of Solo I will try not to make light of this sad story. I don’t think my readers could bear it at this time.


  1. I wonder if she died of a broken heart at being removed from her home?

  2. kathy smith, brooklyn park, mn. says

    It would NOY surprise me at all if SOLO did die of a broken heart. I hope the minnesota dnr is happy~those heartless, cruel, un-educated about wildlife people!!! She NEVER should have left her surroundings! They truly should be ashamed of themselves. That woman who whined about the bear being under her cabin for hibernation should move to new york city…she hasn’t got a clue of living with wildlife…if this old lady isn’t educated about living among wildlife…someone should remove HER!!! Well whatever, we all know that whatever goes around comes around. If I were them, I would NOT be able to live with myself.

    Kathy Smith Brooklyn Park, Minnesota

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