Election Day on the Iron Range

It’s here. By God, the day has finally come.

With a coming tsunami of book publicity, a night up at the family deer shack and other shenanigans around the corner, I’ve decided to play it cool tonight and just blog from the deep woods. I’ve got to work bright and early tomorrow anyway. I haven’t missed an election night party since the newspaper days (when I worked a 24 hour shift one election night). But I think I’ll enjoy watching this one on the TV. I don’t have to tell people who read blogs to get out and vote, so go take care of business and we’ll see where the world stands tonight.

I will be providing rapid blog updates (with my special Iron Range flair) moments after I close the “Curious George” book and tuck in the oldest offspring. Please send me photos and accounts of what you see today and I will post everything I can. (aaronjbrown@yahoo.com)


  1. Hello! I just got done voting in Hibbing the 10th precint. It is 7:20 am and I was number 75 on the list so it looks like it is going to be a great turnout. This is a great day! I hope everyone votes, votes, votes!!

  2. Vote early and vote often in Hibbing? I disapprove of voter fraud. One person, one vote. 8)

  3. I hope everyone enjoyed the election day. Nothing quite like waiting in line for three hours here in the cities to make sure that your voice is heard, eh?
    At least I could enjoy the Dylan concert afterwards.

  4. I was in and out in 10 minutes.

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