Iron Ranger was featured guest on The Daily Show last night

Hibbing/Iron Range native Bethany McLean appeared on “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart” Thursday night to talk about the origins of the economic crisis. She spoke with great knowledge. I interviewed McLean when I was at the Hibbing Daily Tribune after she first broke the Enron scandal for Fortune Magazine. She now works as a contributing editor for Vanity Fair. At the time I interviewed McLean I worked with a guy who used to dive off the cliffs of mine dumps into the infinitely deep mine pits of the Iron Range with her during their high school years. I’ll take this Stewart interview as evidence of the Iron Range being connected to everything.

Just so you know, prominent business reporter Bethany McLean, who appeared last night on The Daily Show, and who detailed the origins of our economic problems in the United States, used to dive into mine pits on the Iron Range … on purpose.

Coincidence? I think not.

UPDATE: I missed it, but I was just informed by e-mail that McLean also appeared on “Meet the Press” recently for an economic discussion. Does anyone know if that makes her the first Hibbingite to appear on Meet the Press? I think so, unless Dylan snuck in an appearance during the late ’70s.


  1. I would have guessed Vincent Bugliosi would have been on, but it doesn’t look like he has…

    Bonus round: How many Hibbingites have been on “The Merv Griffin” show?

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