Chuck and Abe

Happy 200th birthday, Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln! It is likely that no two people born on the exact same day in history will ever shape history as much as these two men, born Feb. 12, 1809. I hold dim hope that German pop star Senna Guemmour and I might hold similar influence from our Dec. 28, 1979 starting point, but it’s not looking good. Her last single was #68 … in Germany.

I think this means if I can hit #67 in Germany I own my birthday on Wikipedia. You know, I wrote a book, a real book, called “Overburden: Modern Life on the Iron Range.” It’s way, way longer than the Gettysburg Address. And I bet more than 39 percent of Americans, upon being shown evidence of my book, would agree that it exists … unlike evolution. Yes, you’ll find it on your local regional bookshelf — if you live in Minnesota. That’s a state, you see. Or buy it online! From Anywhere! Even Germany!

Anyway, Chuck and Abe: Way to revolutionize science and save America, respectively. Sorry that we stopped exercising and screwed up the Reconstruction.

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