Histro-tainment at sunset tonight

Tonight I’ll be giving the keynote presentation at the Virginia (Minn.) Historical Society Annual Dinner at the Elks Club on 5th Ave. North. As usual I’ll be exploring some aspects of my recent book “Overburden: Modern Life on the Iron Range.” I’ll also be sprinkling in some newer material to keep my brain from smoothing out and to stave off my desire to drink heavily after talking about this book for eight straight months.

Oh wait. Did I type that aloud? Oops!

In all seriousness I’m at that point in the book tour where I am itching to get back into writing new stuff but am still hoofing it to lots of events. May 17 brings the Northeastern Minnesota Book Awards at UM-Duluth, where I am a nominated author. My publisher and I will host a booth there. Dylan Days is May 21-24 (I’m an organizer) and I’ll be doing a reading at the opening night literary showcase at Hibbing Community College. The summer brings a couple library talks, a Cities excursion and a nursing home gig. Then the book becomes a middle aged trade paperback and I go back to being someone “working on” a new book. Ideally, the next one won’t be preceded by four years of high talk and three years of writing. One and done!

For tonight, you needed to RSVP for the dinner but those interested in watching my talk might be able to get in for a small donation to the historical society. It’s Range histro-tainment for a new generation!

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