Women in the mines: the difference today

Mesabi Misadventures hits another home run with a post about what it’s like to be a woman working at a mine today, decades after the sexual harassment made famous in the book “Class Action” and the movie “North Country.” This is a great read. She doesn’t write often but she writes with great depth. You should subscribe to her feed. Until a working majority of Iron Range internet users figure out what that means I’ll just keep linking to her posts.


  1. Mesabi Misadventures says

    Frustratingly, WordPress doesn’t have it’s subscription feature up and running yet, so Facebook is the only way to subscribe ๐Ÿ™ Hopefully soon WordPress will kick that feature out of beta mode so people can subscribe ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for the encouragement and support Aaron!

  2. You can still subscribe to the RSS feed, though. I subscribe to you via Google Reader. Other services could also work, so long as they key to your RSS feed. You can subscribe to any blog that way, regardless of where they are hosted.

  3. Mesabi Misadventures says

    I guess I’ll have to count as one of those Iron Rangers who had to figure that out ๐Ÿ˜‰ That’s fairly amusing to me right now (of course, I’ve been at work for 12 hours and it’s 5:22 a.m. so that might explain my easy laughter!).

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