Coming soon: Art, politics and more

There’s a lot going on in my “normal” life but I will make a few program notes about what’s coming up here at MinnesotaBrown. Don’t forget that “Art in the Park” will fire up again at the Minnesota Discovery Center in Chisholm Thursday evening at 5 p.m. with another great collection of local musicians playing through the evening. I’m also working on a final analysis of the DFL primary election from my own unique perch here in the woods just north of the western Iron Range. I’ve made some life changes designed to help me move forward on my fiction and national publishing aspirations, so stay tuned for that as well.


  1. Are you going to have a list of key precincts to watch like last time? That was cool.

  2. You know, I hadn’t thought of doing that but I’ll need something to do on election night and that would be a good diversion. I’ll work something up for my post.

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