Looking back at ‘Bobby Die-lan’s’ Hibbing

In 1969, writer Toby Thompson drove from New York to Hibbing, Minnesota, to learn about Bob Dylan’s hometown for the Village Voice. These articles went on to become the landmark “Dylan book” of that era, “Positively Main Street.” This article, describing the world of the Iron Range in 1969, is a fun read regardless of your opinion of Dylan or the Iron Range. I wrote a post and column last summer entitled “Iron Range 1969” that looks at the region of that time from a non-Dylan perspective.

Thompson was a speaker at Dylan Days 2008. Dylan Days 2011 is approaching.


  1. Gerry Mantel says

    Say … if this book is so “good,” how come it is NOT on the “Recommended Dylan Reads” list at the Hibbing Public Library?

    Neither is the Dave Engel “classic” that came out in 1997; in fact, there is not a single book on that list dealing strictly with Dylan’s formative years in Duluth/Hibbing.

    Makes you wonder about the whole thing, don’t it? I mean, this seems to go beyond mere “factual errors” or “typos” or what-have-you.

    (Note: Ed-Bob didn’t like the place at all ….)

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