Today brings the first big day of the Dylan Days weekend in Bob Dylan’s hometown of Hibbing.
Dylan Days Symposium, 2-4 p.m. at Hibbing Public Library Auditorium, featuring discussion with members of Dylan’s high school band The Golden Chords, original film about Dylan and tourism featuring Manchester professor David Leaver, and the 2011 literary showcase with winners of the Dylan Days writing contest.
’50s Rock ‘n’ Roll Hop co-sponsored by Hibbing Historical Society, 6-8 p.m. at the Hibbing Memorial Building Dining Hall: authentic music from the 1950s that a young Bob Dylan might have listened to. This event is open to families and will feature a partial reunion of one of Dylan’s early bands, The Golden Chords. Dylan’s favorite boyhood dessert, cherry pie a la mode from the L&B Café, will be available to the crowd.
Dylan Days Singer/Songwriter Contest, First Division, 8:30 p.m.-midnight at Zimmy’s: Competitors from all over the world sing one Dylan song and one original. Our oldest, most popular tradition.
I am the emcee of the symposium and literary event. This is my favorite part of Dylan Days, though I’m biased. The Rock ‘n’ Roll Hop is a new event this year and should be a thrill with the reunion of the Golden Chords. The songwriters’ competition is always a big draw and there’s a giant lineup tomorrow, too.
Find out more about Dylan Days at the website or by following Dylan Days on Facebook or Twitter.
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