Fans of my column about the Black Hills/Connecticut cougar a couple weeks ago might appreciate that this summer another cougar was spotted heading east in view of trail cams across northern Minnesota and northern Michigan. The plot thickens!
Modern Life in Northern Minnesota
Fans of my column about the Black Hills/Connecticut cougar a couple weeks ago might appreciate that this summer another cougar was spotted heading east in view of trail cams across northern Minnesota and northern Michigan. The plot thickens!
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By Aaron Brown A 21st century memoir of a place and a people: (Buy now on Amazon) -- The Iron Range is a string of blue collar towns along an iron formation in northern Minnesota, many of which ... Read More →
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5 years ago I saw my 1st cougar along the bunker grade south of Hibbing, a couple miles north of the Alborn spur (east and west grade), on a bike ride.
I called the DNR, and their response…… hold on…… “it’s just passing through.” huh, really??
Well every year since I’ve seen this cougar, and last fall I saw there is now 2; a mating pair? You bet!!
I haven’t made my way out that way just yet, this year, but I will bet my pay-check their still out there, AND NOT just passing through!!
Why does the DNR think that we are stupid? Hmm I guess it goes with the territory. Lol