BREAKING: Squash named Duluth vegetable of the year

Squash celebrate historic win in Duluth vegetable election, also revealing the segregation that pervades squash community.

BREAKING: Duluth citizens elect squash “Vegetable of 2012.” Kale has been defeated. Repeat, KALE DOWN. SELL SELL! DEVELOPING…

CORRECTION: We’ve been informed that kale was subject to Duluth vegetable of the year term limits. Kale was vegetable of the year in 2011. MinnesotaBrown deeply regrets the error. MinnesotaBrown will eat a sad cheeseburger and forget this ever happened. MinnesotaBrown is still thinking about this, though. Upon further consideration, screw kale. Screw it all. How do you like that correction? Oh, yes it IS a non-correction correction.

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