Robert Zimmerman fronts the Golden Chords at the Hibbing Memorial Building Little Theater in 1958. (Copyright: Monte Edwardson, the guitarist pictured at left. LeRoy Hoikkala is the drummer.) |
I continue to work with Dylan Days, the Hibbing-based arts organization honoring Bob Dylan every year in his Iron Range hometown. The big shindig will be May 23-26 this year, with a lot of activity packed into his May 24 birthday and the following day.
There are a number of contests and ways for people to get involved, but the first one is our annual literary contest for short stories and poems. To enter the B.J. Rolfzen Memorial Creative Writing Contest, follow the link and follow the instructions. The deadline is March 3. We provide publication credit in a sharp literary journal we produce every year and invite the winners to Hibbing to read their work and become immortalized (immortalized I say!) in our Dylan Days Hall of Fame.
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