Runaway seal flops off to the sky

One of the two seals that escaped from the Lake Superior Zoo during last year’s historic flooding in Duluth has died. Here’s the teaser for the AP story at the top of yesterday’s Hibbing Daily Tribune.

I share this because there’s a lot going on here. The top head is what you tell the kids. The subhead is for the adults. He ran away kids. And this time they couldn’t catch him. He’s free. He’s free.

The top right sky box on the Hibbing Daily Tribune has been very entertaining lately. I shared a couple weeks ago how they teased Dear Abby there one day. Well, they did it again a week later, only with the headline: “Advice Column.” Just that. The words themselves.

Well, I suppose that’s what it is. Why beat around the bush?

Flop away, seal. Flop away.

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