Sometimes ‘zee plane’ really is ‘zee plane’

It’s this picture again. Second time!

You’d think it couldn’t happen again but it JUST DID.

The Mesabi Daily News has made another Fantasy Island reference, again quoting Tattoo’s famous line, “Zee plane! Zee plane!”

Last time it was a March 7 reference to the function of state government in job creation. That was a stretch, which really forced the newspaper’s hand this second time.

You see, the MDN has been covering allegations of waste by the Lake Country Power executive board. LCP is the cooperative energy provider for much of the Iron Range (including MinnesotaBrown world headquarters). Turns out, Lake Country bought a $11 million private airplane, which costs $1.4 million a year to operate. So, in this case, it is literally a plane. But there’s more. The plane is apparently emblazoned with the words “Zee Plane!”

This time Tattoo gets a straight-up shout-out in the story.

OK, I’m just going to own up to the fact that I’ve never seen Fantasy Island. Was it really the cultural touchstone these news items would suggest? What the hell happened to these 50-something men when they were younger? Is this how it will be with SpongeBob in the future? Oh my God, it probably is.

But seriously, Lake Country Power is a mess right now. They locked into expensive contracts for far too long. Rates shot up and now members are getting really mad. “Zee plane” does not bring fantasy, only furor.

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