Celebrating Labor Day the Iron Range way

range.jpgFor those looking to celebrate Labor Day in true Iron Range fashion, the Iron Range Labor Assembly will hold its annual “Day Before Labor Day” picnic Sunday 1-5 p.m. at Olcott Park in Virginia, Minnesota. The event is held then to accommodate northern Minnesota’s largest labor events in Duluth and Cloquet. Additionally, Bovey’s “Farmers’ Day” celebration is held over on the western Mesabi on Labor Day.

Northern Minnesota is known for its labor politics, but sometimes people forget why. Minnesota’s iron ranges and the Port of Duluth were among the flashpoints for the American labor movement 100 years ago. Achievements like the 8-hour work day, 40-hour week, wages and benefits were secured after a generation long battle over horrible working conditions right here in what the tourists call “God’s Country.” It’s a pretty good place now, all things considered

Thank you to all who made that possible.

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