SHOCKWAVE, a jet-powered semi truck that goes 375 mph, will be at this summer’s Duluth Air Show Aug. 23-24, 2014. PHOTO: Duluth Air Show & SHOCKWAVE
When you’re on media mailing lists it’s sometimes fun to see the combinations of things that arrive any given day. For instance, Monday I got a press release from Gov. Mark Dayton’s office about emergency assistance for those who can’t afford heat amid the ongoing propane price surge. Then, later, I got this press release about the coming dominion of the high speed jet truck SHOCKWAVE:
For the first time ever during an airshow in Duluth a jet-powered semi-truck will scream down the runway at Duluth International this August 23-24, at speeds up to 375 miles per hour.
“It’s not often that an opportunity like this presents itself and wouldn’t have been possible without the support of Como Oil & Propane here in Duluth,” said Airshow President Ryan Kern. “Shockwave has more than 36,000 horsepower and also features 3 aircraft jet engines. It is one of the most sought after performers performing at air shows across the country.”
This will be the first time Shockwave has been to the State of Minnesota. Shockwave has a very broad following and will appeal to airshow enthusiasts and drag race/car show enthusiasts alike
More than a dozen other performers will join the line-up for the airshow which promises to be one of the largest to date. A complete listing of performers will be published at www.duluthairshow.com in the next month or two.
Now, it’s not SHOCKWAVE’s fault that its hot smokey jet truck power is going to rain hard on the Duluth Air Show under the sponsorship of a local propane company this summer. It’s just a coincidence this particular announcement would happen to come during a propane shortage and possible heating crisis. I mean, there is no way in which this is a parable on American fuel consumption. None.
Maybe I’m looking at this all wrong. Are you feeling cold? Well, then, just look at that picture of SHOCKWAVE. Hot stuff. When SHOCKWAVE gets here, everyone’s gonna be warm.
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