My aunt Cheryl Johnson from Keewatin is the kind of person who quietly takes care of everyone around her and never expects or receives much in return. Though she never married, she is the person her five sisters and many, many nieces and nephews have counted on for last minute care, rides, help and support. I suppose the Iron Range has many women like her; but this hasn’t been a place that gives these women much credit. Well, that should change. And at minimum I say the compassion my aunt Cheryl shows people should be rewarded with a little help in a time of need.
Cheryl was diagnosed with breast cancer last year. It was Stage III, treatable but very serious. The treatment has kept her from working and her habit of giving has left her unprepared for the costs of something like this. So her family and friends are putting together a little rigatoni feed benefit at the Hibbing Memorial Building dining hall this Saturday, March 15 from 4-8 p.m. There will be prizes, raffles and auctions, along with pasta, bread and treats for the hungry masses.
The flyer is below.
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