‘Green Envy’ for Iron Range botanical garden

Olcott Park Botanical Gardens

The Olcott Park Botanical Gardens in Virginia, Minnesota, is the only facility of its kind on the Iron Range and, indeed, most of the state’s small towns. They’ll be raising money to improve facilities this Saturday night with live music and fun times.

This Saturday, April 12, from 4:30-8 p.m., the Friends of the Greenhouse in Virginia, Minnesota, will hold its second annual “Green Envy” fundraiser for the Olcott Park Botanical Gardens.

The greenhouse and gardens at Olcott Park are holdovers to a time when many Range towns poured effort into beautifying their public spaces. Virginia has held on the longest, and it’s rare to find a facility of this kind in small towns anywhere, much less in an iron mining town North of Where It Gets Cold.

There will be live local music by Steve Phillips, Mark Henderson, Steve Larson, Preston Gunderson and Four Horse Johnson.

Appetizers will be served, along with coffee, tea, juice, pop, beer and wine. The cost is $8 for Friends of the Greenhouse members, $10 for the general public, $5 for teens aged 13-18 and free to kids 12 and under.

This year, they hope to raise money to have restroom facilities installed near the gardens, so the jokes abound. For instance, your money won’t be flushed down a toilet, it’ll just go into a toilet. Feel free to add your own.

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