I’m coming off a banner week for MinnesotaBrown. In addition to rolling out a nice run of blog posts for the Star Tribune, I also got my first mention in the Scandinavian super-tabloid Aftonbladet. My friend Kristin Lundell, among Sweden’s leading pop culture writers, has apparently been reading my “Fargo” reviews.
Älskar du tv-serien ”Fargo”? Då måste du läsa bloggen minnesotabrown.com. Efter varje avsnitt ger journalisten Aaron Brown, som dessutom är en av arrangörerna bakom festivalen ”Dylan Days” i Hibbing, sin syn på det som just hänt. Brown bor i norra Minnesota och analyserna utgår från hur verklighetstroget ”Fargo”, som utspelar sig i Minnesota-trakterna, är. Brown dissekerar detaljer, märker ord och levererar de roligaste ”Fargo”-åsikterna just nu.
If the original Swedish isn’t your thing, try this:
Do you love the TV show “Fargo”? Then you need to read the blog minnesotabrown.com. After each episode the journalist Aaron Brown, who is also one of the organizers behind the festival “Dylan Days” in Hibbing, gives his view of what just happened. Brown lives in northern Minnesota and analyzes based on how faithful “Fargo”, which takes place in Minnesota-land, is. Brown dissects details, tag words and delivers the funniest “Fargo” views right now.
Aftonbladet is read by 3.3 million Norwegians, Swedes and Danes. It could be argued that no article I’ve been quoted in has been read by more people, and it was written in a language I do not yet speak. But maybe I should!
Lesson of the day, always befriend the visiting foreign journalist. He or she might unleash torrents of Nordic readers onto your banal observations of somewhat popular television shows. If you’ve been missing out, check out my “Fargo” archive. The next episode airs tonight and I’ll have my review up tomorrow morning.
Too bad your Scandinavian listeners can’t support you with a lutefisk contribution!