A pair of filmmakers with backing from stakeholders around Itasca County has produced a series of short films about life in this northern Minnesota county where the western Iron Range spills into the woods and waters of more than 1,000 freshwater lakes. Called “Gems of Itasca,” the series selects various topics about life here.
As you might imagine, “Gems of Itasca” is designed to make Itasca County look pretty good. As a resident of Itasca County, I happen to agree. Though, as a comedic writer, I can also imagine bountiful opportunities for satire. I’ll hold off … for now.
The film above is the first in the series, a look at the Judy Garland connection to Itasca County, posted as the “Wizard of Oz Festival” is going on in Grand Rapids this week. They are releasing one per week, the latest being the one below about dining experiences in Itasca County:
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