Brown on the Air: The Almanac Panel

For those of you who missed the show, here is the video of the political panel:

If you want to watch the whole show, including the super cool bald eagle segment, watch this:

My last debate was with this humanoid ear of corn. Pundits declared it a draw.

My last debate was with this humanoid ear of corn. Pundits declared it a draw.

I’ll be making my first appearance on Twin Cities Public Television’s Almanac political panel tonight. The show starts at 7 on TPT in the Cities and WDSE Channel 8 in the Duluth market. I’m told the panel discussion will be near the end of the show.

I was on Almanac promoting my book a few years ago (and penned this amusing screed), but this is my first stab at the political panel. I’ll be ID’ed as a Democratic analyst, but you all know I don’t much care for party talking points. I’m a little nervous. All of the other panelists have done this before whereas I live 27 miles from a stoplight at the end of an Iron Range dirt road behind a sign that says “End of Maintenance.” Surely I’ll trip and fall off the set, barreling into a water cooler and somehow ruining a large digital TV thingy.

* It’s called “lowering expectations.” How am I doing?


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