An engineer’s rendering of a possible U.S. Highway 53 bridge across the Rouchleau Mine pit in Virginia, Minn. Tests this summer will determine if the bridge is viable option for relocating the highway. (PHOTO: MNDOT)
Today the Minnesota Department of Transportation recommended its preferred alternative for the Hwy 53 Relocation project. MN-DOT wants the northernmost route, which will build the state’s tallest bridge — 1,100 feet — across the Rouchleau Pit outside Virginia.
After hinting it would do so weeks ago, the DOT explains why it selected the northern route:
After lengthy study of several other alternatives, E-2 rated highest in constructablity and cost. Other alternatives had more difficult technical challenges or passed over land that could potentially be mined. The E-2 alternative offers the most workable challenges and has the lowest cost of all the alternatives.
So, what is the lowest cost? About $220 million. If funded, this will be the largest transportation project the Iron Range could hope to get this generation.
I know people get worked up when I say this, but we are making this investment to keep a road we already have for the benefit of about ten years of mining. The costs of not doing anything are probably larger, due to the loss of jobs and revenue, but it’s very important to realize that this big project is a Catch-22 of bad 1960s planning, come back to feed on a generation that leaders of that time ignored.
As I’ve said, I hope at least a little of the money is invested in making the bridge and the entrance to Virginia something that inspires all who drive this route to make better decisions about our region’s long term planning.
UPDATE: The image below shows the E2 route that was selected. The more attractive rendering above was taken from the E1 option. Similar concept, just crossing in a different part of the pit.
Planning since 1966 and this is the best they could do… It’s disappointing in the fact that bridges are often unsafe in this area during the winter. They cost a lot to maintain too. It’ll be one heck of an entrance to Virginia for tourists and such, but it will be a smash-a-thon in the winter like hibbings Mitchell bridge, maybe worse. How much did the irrrb have to do with the planning and execution of this? Are they contributing money to the project? I feel like this is the kind of stuff they should have a lot of involvement in and I haven’t heard much reported that they have…
MNDOT officials in the ’60s figured we’d all have flying spacecars by now. Hasn’t really panned out.
This part, from today’s DNT story, is good news:
“[T]hey said the junction of the new Highway 53 and Highway 135 definitely will be an interchange with an overpass, and not an intersection. That means no stoplight will be needed. Instead, ramps will be used for vehicles to access one highway from the other.”
Aaron, did you catch the story in Minnpost about song about Sparta produced by Sparta Sound, “This Town (Ghost Town)?