According to the job search and recruiting site Zip Recruiter, Duluth, Minnesota, is the #2 city in the nation for finding a job.
From the post:
A 4.3 unemployment rate and a rock-solid healthcare sector with roots in the two regional medical centers in the city, Duluth has rebounded from a post-industrial crash to become a job engine, with .9 applicants for each open position.
The latest employment report from DEED shows an even lower unemployment rate than what’s listed here. Economic conditions just up the highway in Grand Rapids, Hibbing and Virginia (the Iron Range), however, are not as good. We here continue to show a big gap between our regional center of Duluth and the state as a whole. That gap is shrinking, though ever so slightly.
Topping Zip Recrutier’s list? Rapid City, South Dakota. Two cities in North Dakota rank just behind Duluth. The North will rise again?
The complete list and analysis by Scott Garner is here.
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