Nothing quite excites the people of Duluth, Minnesota, and its surrounding area like the Tall Ships. These tall-masted, wooden ships that harken the 1800s now tour the lakes and seas as a tourist attraction and recreational sailing exhibition. After another successful Duluth event in 2013, officials are now planning the next Tall Ships event in Duluth Aug. 18-21, 2016.
Organizers plan some kind of “secret surprise.” I’m betting it’s a ship, but I suppose we’ll have to wait and see.
Duluth, MN – December 22, 2014 – Back for the fourth installment, Tall Ships® Duluth is slated for August 18-21, 2016 and promises to outshine its 2013 predecessor in every way possible. Once again the popular festival will flood Duluth’s Waterfront, Bayfront Festival Park and Harbor Drive with a regatta of majestic Tall Ships.
Craig Samborski, Director of Draw Events and producer of Tall Ships® Duluth, stated “Though tough to believe for those who experienced these events in the past, calling the upcoming Tall Ships® Duluth 2016 the biggest doesn’t quite do it justice, but rather something more akin to massive.”
The scaled up event will feature something for everyone with a Tall Ships fix; onboard tours, day-sails and expanded hours for dockside tours. The bustling Duluth Waterfront will also have a full complement of vendors, artisans, music, reenactments, entertainment and a secret surprise yet to be announced.
“I don’t want to give away too much here, but we plan on turning the harbor into the World’s Largest Bathtub,” added Samborski.
The exact ships that will attend along with ticket availability and other pertinent details will be announced as the event draws closer. Fans are urged to keep an eye on Tall Ships Duluth page to get the latest information and to register for a chance to win unique prizes for the event.Tall Ships® Duluth 2013 was the single largest event in the region’s history with an estimated direct economic impact of $15 million in addition to millions of dollars of worldwide publicity.
We were there in 2013. I’ll be back in 2016
Is there a map that shows exactly where these ships will be???
We’ve never been there before but would like to make reservations now for the 2016 event. Any suggestions???
This ships are in the harbor at Duluth.
I recommend Lake Breeze resort to stay.
Get a hotel reservation in Duluth for that weekend. Do NOT plan on driving/parking in canal park. The Lake walk is a beautiful way to travel by foot.
Would there be a Professional or @ least serious amateur that I mite hire for part or all of the tall ships festival. I would be willing to pay a daily rate + all expenses + any & all tickets for boat tours. boat rides & all miscellaneous expenses +leading myself & my wife around to the numerous events in order to get the best images. I work hard to get the best images possible. Also, I would like to know if there is a way to find where the tall ships would be @ dawn & sunset on Wed for early morning & late afternoon & evenin for best low lite images. I have a boat to use.