Real-life brothers and former professional hockey players Jeff, Steve and Jack Carlson, who portrayed the iconic “Hanson Brothers” in the Paul Newman film “Slap Shot,” are seen here “roughing up” Grand Rapids, MN, mayor Dale “Spud” Adams outside Deerwood Bank. The trio also held an open skate over in Coleraine as a fundraiser for the Greenway Amateur Hockey Association. (PHOTO: via Facebook)
The Hanson Brothers — real life brothers and pro hockey veterans — are practically legend for anyone who follows hockey in Northern Minnesota. The cult classic “Slap Shot,” starring Paul Newman, cast Jeff, Steve and Jack Carlson to play themselves … along with Dave Hanson, an actor cast to replace Jack when he was called up to the Edmonton Oilers before filming. Essentially, they are three old time hockey goons from the Iron Range who turn every game they play into a violent, chaotic sports ballet.
The real-life trio is on the real-life Iron Range right now, doing public appearances mostly on the western Mesabi. Tonight, the Hanson Brothers will appear at a Block Party fundraiser for the Greenway Amateur Hockey Association at the Locker Room in Coleraine from 6-10 p.m.
It’s an amazing thing to see these guys still making a go of their public personas from an offbeat 1970s movie. But then again, this scene pretty much explains why hockey people still love the Hanson Brothers (some NSFW language):
Love this movie! A classic. Still great to watch almost 40 years later. Breaking Away, made about the same time, rates up there too.