The St. Louis County Fair will be held Aug. 12-16 in Chisholm, Minnesota. These are the transforming robots that you”ll find wandering around this year.
The St. Louis County Fair opens today in Chisholm. Billed as “the five best days of summer” on the Iron Range by people who really hope you’ll believe that, the county fair is the traditional end to the Iron Range summer social calendar. (The leaves start changing around Labor Day).
As you can see, a host of traditional activities await the visitor — rides, food, animals, displays, throngs of tank-topped citizenry. If you go check out the St. Louis County Fair website you’ll hear a rare artifact: an original song that auto-plays when you open the page. How fun! What a great idea! Turn up the speakers and do it at work.
Listen, I’m going to be the one to tell you to go the fair or not go to the fair. That’s on you. But I will point out one thing that bears mentioning:
Now, I know that SOUNDS like a certain trademarked term that applies to major motion pictures and a cartoon and toy series popular in the 1980s. But let’s be clear: these are just robots that transform. Robot is a common noun. Transform is a simple verb. Machines that change. What is life, but change?
From the Hibbing Daily Tribune:
The robots can interact, dance, judge contests and even perform some magic. The robots are operated by a person inside, and will be roaming the fairgrounds to meet attendees.
So, they are actually transforming robots with human souls. So for those scoring at home the St. Louis County Fair will feature the rockin’ sounds of the Iron Range bar band the Shackshakers and also the arrival of the singularity. Who knew!
The St. Louis County Fair runs today through Sunday, Aug. 16 at the fairgrounds near the Minnesota Discovery Center in Chisholm.
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