Merry Christmas from MinnesotaBrown

PHOTO: Kevin Dooley, Flickr CC

Happy Holidays, dear reader! Merry Christmas to those who celebrate. Happy New Year to those who mark more secular holidays. And Happy Friday to those who would prefer not to deal with any of it.

[Silent nod to ninjas and people with sleeping babies]

We are nearing the end of 2016, a time of reflection. I’d just like to thank you for reading MinnesotaBrown. It’s been a fascinating year all around. While I’m not particularly thrilled with how it’s all turned out, I am blessed with good health and sufficient obsessive tendencies to continue writing in 2017.

I’ve already received my Christmas gift: high speed fiber-optic cable internet to my home in rural Itasca County. They hooked it up yesterday. I’m mulling over ideas for a live streaming broadcast to celebrate sometime next week.

One thing I know is that I’ll have my big year end “top posts” roundup next week. My Sunday column will crawl down your chimney on Christmas morning. Maybe you’d like to listen to our first ever “Great Northern Radio Show Best of the Year” special, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Christmas Day on Northern Community Radio. But aside from those, I will be taking some time off while the kids are home.

If you’re looking for something to read, check out my Minneapolis Star Tribune Christmas story about my grandpa from last year. Grandpa’s been home from the hospital most of the year, so the story is even more hopeful than when I wrote it.

Of course, there’s the classic “The year Santa came early on the Iron Range,” the tale of how my family saved Christmas one year by helping a very lost Santa Claus near Eveleth.

Most important, enjoy the holiday weekend as you see fit. Lots of folks are well on their way in this regard. But I know it’s a tough time of year for a lot of people. If your holiday is lousy, try making someone else’s a little better. This has worked for me at times.

Thank you again for reading MinnesotaBrown.


  1. Merry Christmas Aaron, to you and your family. May you have a blessed 2017…

  2. Merry Christmas to you and yours, Aaron. Hooray for the gift of high -speed cable. How exciting !

  3. Yes, a blessed Christmas to the Brown family…and a 2017 filled with understanding..

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